Thread: syncronicities!
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Old 14-10-2010, 09:38 PM
Posts: n/a

i'm sure there are other sout there noticing the acceleration of syncronicities lately on this planet and would love to hear about experiences from various places on the globe. some examples from my recent observation: post an article about recidivism and my friend's word of the day was recidivism...meeting/connecting with someone on an awesome level and then seeing their name everywhere...deities coming to me in meditation then seeing images of them everywhere (ganesha most recently for me, he comes to me occassionally and then i see elephants) am i trying to make something out of nothing? make connections that are not really there? i don't think so...not when i have higher beings encouraging me forward and bringing these coincidences to my reality again and again...

LOVE life its such a beautiful experience!
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