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Old 17-05-2015, 03:24 AM
CrystalSong CrystalSong is offline
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Originally Posted by metal68
This is something I really want to know! I admit I am taking a leap of faith to say I believe wholeheartedly in this stuff but if I get on board with it, this is something that troubles me; I like to think of my thoughts as sacred ground, a last bastion of privacy. I would not want anyone living or dead to have unfettered access so ..can the dead access our minds?? I've recently lost a mother and just as in life, I wouldn't want her to know all my thoughts in death. I also think, can they always see us no matter what we do even with bodily functions, sexual activities etc?? Have we no privacy?

A girl I know told me, a medium had advised her that the dead are not allowed to read our minds, that we specifically have to ask out loud for things??

They perceive us as energy fields, so while they might perceive the energy of great joy or ecstasy, that could be numerous things causing it from spiritual ecstasy, to the drug, to a sexual encounter. So it's not very cut and dry so to speak. They can not see us as solid density (bodies) as that requires having human eyes to interpret the data set in that particular manner.

As to reading our thoughts...I have no reason to believe so at all - except in the case where we have initiated telepathy with them, due to wanting to or sensing them near us and trying to contact them. We need to get their attention is some way in order to complete the connection (and they need to be available) and they need to get our attention and we need to not be busy.

Your mom having recently passed over is going to be very busy, not just catching up with family/friends from this lifetime but other lifetimes as well.
Also she has her Life Review to do with her Guides and Angels, which is a complicated thing where you get to experience everything you ever did which effected other people from their perspective also. This leads to making responsible decisions on when and why one would come back into body and what region and family they could best learn the things they want to study better and so on.
So she's very busy, also as I understand it it takes a while to build up the energy to move one's consciousness down into the 3rd dimension, its not an easy thing to do.

My father for example only comes to me when I'm at a particular friends house. That friends father passed over a decade ago and comes to my friend when he's working on cars and hangs out for a bit. For some reason my father is able to sort of ride that signal to me when my friends dad comes through.

Keep in mind that your mother is back in the energy of unconditional love and ultimate compassion now that she's shed her body and it's illusions. So anything that you did would be met with unconditional love and compassion from your mother. Even if she was a critical, harsh, judgmental person in bodily life, when back in the place we all come from she is ONLY Love. It is only when we are in human body's with a mind that we can temporarily be anything but love.

So your good, enjoy your life, live it as you will, you have only yourself to answer too when it's all said and done and you will do that surrounded by your Angels and Guides love and gentle advice, which we all need when we have to feel the effects our choices had on others.
So keep that in mind - Treat others as you wish to be treated. :)

Live, Love...BE
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