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Old 03-01-2018, 06:10 AM
open2it open2it is offline
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Texas
Posts: 104
According to Raeki addictions are caused by our looking at physical problems as causes instead of looking inside at what we don't want to look at. Which is more likely to be the main cause. We eat to fill up the emptiness we think is hunger for food. We are experiencing hunger but it probably isn't for food. Instead it could be we don't know, or won't admit what we really desire/hunger for. Eating only gives temporary fulfilled feeling since what is bothering us wanting to be fulfilled is not dealt with.

Same thing with getting drunk. Keep the mind and emotions sedated so we don't have to deal/think about the real problem. Possibly because we don't know how to claim what we want. New job, relationship, career change because we feel burnt out on present career. We have to look inside ourselves to see the root cause. It is easy to feel lost when we have no sense of direction or plan for attainment.

Reiki symbols are IAVA, HARTH and ZONAR. Using IAVA and HARTH together is said to be a strong pairing for addictions.

The crystals are citrine and amethyst.

I recently got into crystals which led me to Reiki and the two can be used hand in hand to strengthen each other. I don't really feel the energy in my crystals yet but I do believe they have led me to what I am experiencing.
I don't believe in coincidence. IMO That is just the ego not wanting to admit there is something outside of ourselves that makes things happen.
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