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Old 07-02-2018, 03:35 AM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
Originally Posted by Teddy_Broselvet
please excuse my ignorance. Almost everything this forum discusses is kind of new to me. I recently had an event happen to me that I feel has done something to me. Almost as though I am waking up, if that makes any sense. Like a couple months ago I didn't believe in God and angels, now I'm beginning to believe I was previously incorrect. I don't quite believe in organized religion (maybe I never will) but I do believe in the energies I felt. But that's not the point of this post.

So I've been doing some light research into all this stuff. I've been loosely following the forums, reading about indigo children, crystals, NDE's and other various topics. I'm still in the process of making my mind up, deciding what I believe and what I feel is too far out of my comfort zone to believe. But there is one thing I am set on.

We all have (at minimum) 1 soul. I'm not convinced we have multiple souls, or twin souls. But I believe we all have a soul. And the NDE reports I have read have me believing, at this time, that we do have souls that reincarnate after our physical body dies. This idea of our souls reincarnating... It brings forth a couple questions...

1) What is the purpose of reincarnating? I think we do it, but I don't understand why

2) If the soul is on a journey, where is it going?

3) From what I gather, not all souls are the same age? Young and Old souls...So how does that work?

4)If all souls were created at the same time, is it simply the fact that some bodies die faster than others, thus those souls have a chance to reincarnate faster than the souls in bodies that live to be older?

5)Or, is there a greater purpose for our souls and once we have completed that purpose, our soul ascends into whatever is next?

1) Based off my own NDE and seeking answers....reincarnation is to elevate the vibrational frequency of our soul/energy. Each of us are electromagnetic energy, we all have this energy's what brings us alive, much the way you plug in appliances to turn on the tv, radio, computer, ect. All life has energy. However, not all energy vibrates on the highest frequency, such as what you read in the bible, or heard about in the Big Bang theory. The highest frequency is love, and self love...sounds easy...but it's not. We all can love on our terms, but when it's not on our terms, the way we want, or when relationships go sour, bad things happen, ect....our energy vibrates on lower frequencies. These can not vibrate with wavelengths of higher energies, such as what you may have read about in heaven. Like attracts like, the hardest lesson is self love...until we learn true self love, we will never really learn to truly love others.

2) The soul is learning self love, and love in reach this high frequency of love and light. Refer back to my first answer...we can not reside in the highest levels of heaven when our own energy does not attract or vibrate on that frequency of light. Energy travels through vibrations and frequencies, and cannot reside with energy that is not the same sustainable frequency.

3) All souls are energy/light. Young and old souls are earth terms given by measurement of how many times a soul has reincarnated. However, people can only speculate on how many times their soul has reincarnated, or who is an old or young soul. We are all the same soul age, as energy has always been...whether it has been growing and learning through reincarnation for millions or only thousands of years. The energy is the same age, the growth may be different through incarnations.

4) I'm not sure I understand this question. Souls always were, whether they were an unconscious energy, or a conscious energy through reincarnation and learning. The body is the physical, the soul is the energetic. Death through accident, illness, ect....does not give one more opportunities over may learn more in 3 years, than an older body does in a lifetime...depending on the experiences and willingness to learn. One may not choose to reincarnate again for a very long time, where as another might right away. You can not compare two souls, or their life their challenges will be different, what may be easy for one, may be hard for another...and vice versa.

5) Our souls purpose is to reunite with God/infinity/Nirvana...whatever it is each person calls is when ones frequency is void of negativity and lower frequencies. It is also when one is operating at their highest frequency at all times, which is mostly impossible in an earth body....however, at the end of each life, each soul goes over their progress, and what they are able to manifest in the levels of the afterlife/heavens/energetic levels. It is how we learn to create in heaven, and on earth...although earth is the school...where we learn to create and overcome obstacles, and the "heavens" are where we use our perfection of what we learned to create.

Each of us, has our own perspective, and what we have learned. You will have your own perspective, and put your own spin to describe what you learn and know. There are a lot of religious people who don't believe in science, like I do...yet, we are describing the same thing, from different perspectives. Like a coin, one side is heads, one side is tails...but it's still the same coin. Philosophy resonates with a lot of people, so they understand religion better than I do...however, I understand metaphysics and science better than philosophy. This is why during my NDE, that I grasped this concept of what I saw, faster than I would have if I had seen Jesus, or had the same experience as others. We just learn concepts differently...but we all learn the same things, just on different levels, and at different times, or lifetimes.
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