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Old 06-02-2018, 10:16 PM
Teddy_Broselvet Teddy_Broselvet is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 40
Quest for Knowledge

please excuse my ignorance. Almost everything this forum discusses is kind of new to me. I recently had an event happen to me that I feel has done something to me. Almost as though I am waking up, if that makes any sense. Like a couple months ago I didn't believe in God and angels, now I'm beginning to believe I was previously incorrect. I don't quite believe in organized religion (maybe I never will) but I do believe in the energies I felt. But that's not the point of this post.

So I've been doing some light research into all this stuff. I've been loosely following the forums, reading about indigo children, crystals, NDE's and other various topics. I'm still in the process of making my mind up, deciding what I believe and what I feel is too far out of my comfort zone to believe. But there is one thing I am set on.

We all have (at minimum) 1 soul. I'm not convinced we have multiple souls, or twin souls. But I believe we all have a soul. And the NDE reports I have read have me believing, at this time, that we do have souls that reincarnate after our physical body dies. This idea of our souls reincarnating... It brings forth a couple questions...

1) What is the purpose of reincarnating? I think we do it, but I don't understand why

2) If the soul is on a journey, where is it going?

3) From what I gather, not all souls are the same age? Young and Old souls...So how does that work?

4)If all souls were created at the same time, is it simply the fact that some bodies die faster than others, thus those souls have a chance to reincarnate faster than the souls in bodies that live to be older?

5)Or, is there a greater purpose for our souls and once we have completed that purpose, our soul ascends into whatever is next?
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