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Old 06-01-2012, 10:11 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Bluegreen
Why is having a soul the greatest deception? It is the soul/spirit that is eternal or do you, SerpentQueen, think that you as you are now will be resurrected?

No, it is not silly. Suppose you do remember all your past lives. The burden of knowing all the hurt etc. you caused would be too heavy to carry.
People undergoing regression therapy sometimes block a part or parts of a past life because it is too painful and difficult to handle if surfaced.

Again there is the fear instilled in Christians. I would call that silly.

I want to preface this by saying that my intent here is not to make anyone feel defensive or attacked for their beliefs, but is it fair to disparage a Christian for having certain beliefs, when someone who believes in reincarnation has their own? Who can really judge which belief is better or worse? True versus not true? Silly or not silly? At the end of the day, both are just "beliefs" and that's that.

And ... yes, I apologize for using the word "silly." I should not have done that. I'm not perfect.

It's just that when I ponder the idea of reincarnation, it seems to me that it is a way to soothe over fears of losing one's self-identity after death. "It's okay... I reincarnate.... I come back again." Yet there is that little niggling issue that one "forgets" all their previous lives.

Yes, I hear what you are saying, you are saying people report recalling their past lives through regression therapies. I don't doubt these people are experiencing something that is "real" -- I am questioning whether it was a past life, and not simply an etheric memory that we ALL share, in some way or another. This would explain why two people might both claim to be the reincarnation of the same exact famous person -- which happens rather frequently, far as I can tell.

I have "memories" of being certain famous people but when I compare with others, and discover they ALSO believe they were the same exact famous people, well... that made me come around to the conclusion we are all just tapping into the archetypical stories deeply embedded in all of us.

I definitely think we all come from spirit and go back to spirit. Souls are described as waves on an ocean. I figure that once the wave gets tossled and mixed around in the ocean, it becomes just ocean.... no longer an individual cannot tell where one wave ends and another begins. Souls, while we are in form, exist, yes; they are separate. Once we go back to formless, we become part of uber-spirit, the ocean. Not individual souls.

This is my working theory at the moment; subject to change. I hold beliefs only as long as they serve me. When they no longer serve me, I put them down.
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