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Old 03-11-2017, 01:47 AM
jro5139 jro5139 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: USA
Posts: 987
I think that woman dress up for each other just as much, if not more, than to try to attract a man. I think a lot of it is competition. There aren't even that many man where I work and the woman dress up and wear lots of jewelry. lol..
I see nothing wrong with dressing nice though. I guess I don't care about the cavemen that can't handle it.

The courtship is def gone. Unless you date a man sig older than myself, you're not going to find that.
I thought about it though, and the men that I can talk to and relate to on a friendship level are older, and married and have respect for boundaries (for whatever reason). Men that are single, don't usually care much to be friends with a woman, they don't seem to. I've only met a couple guys in adulthood that were single and actually were my friend for a pro-longed time.

Although when I'm out in public, it's not men's energies that I find hard to take, it's women's. Men's energies in public and whatnot, generally do not bother me.
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