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Old 17-06-2013, 03:23 PM
Albalida Albalida is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 716
Originally Posted by JeanSantos
As a naturally skeptical guy I'm not sure if I'm buying the whole gemstones story. How can I tell?

I suppose the only surefire way to tell, is to draft a hypothesis, something like, "Proximity/exposure to the gemstone substance gray haematite will raise standard of living especially in regards to physical health of anemics."

Then, get a handful of that substance, and get a bunch of people to carry around the same amount each, and (this is important) do not tell them why. For purposes of the example hypothesis, it might help if they're anemic.

Conduct a survey for a certain amount of time before they start carrying the haematite, and another survey for during. If they say that their standard of living has gone up, then make sure that it's really the haematite that's doing that and not, say, that their grandmother came over for a visit and forced them to eat liver which they usually wouldn't eat, or whatever other reason.

I'm sure there have been people who have done something like the above, and if they aren't laughed out of academia, they probably haven't found anything conclusive.

Is it mostly believing in these crystals or is the energy inherently inside of them?

Do you believe that there's energy inherently inside of gemstones?

Personally, I think that it works if you make it work, but that doesn't mean it's all imagined. I believed in gemstone correspondents enough to wear a blue agate to help with my anxiety, while I was in middle school... and, I was still horribly anxious. After that, I wore a moonstone to heal my heart.

More recently, I got an amethyst wand because it was pretty, and I noticed that I just got a really big surge of creative energy that I'd never had before.

Looking back, that blue agate just didn't work. Maybe it was asleep. Maybe my energy wasn't compatible with its energy-- and what would have alleviated my anxiety was tiger's eye topaz. I do believe that I felt the moonstone take effect, but my energy and moonstone's is definitely incompatible, and I would often feel confused and queasy.

Meanwhile, my amethyst didn't work within the description of amethyst. Old lore says that it's supposed to prevent drunkenness (as per the Greek myth of Amethystos and Dionysus), new lore says that it's supposed to make people psychic. Instead, for whatever reason, it ignited my creativity. This is something that I concluded from feeling the stone, rather than believing that it would do so.

For something like grey haematite, it's my favorite stone and something that I felt drawn to and soothed by. However, it wasn't until I became more knowledgeable with healing that I realized my instincts/intuition were spot on to collect a lot of haematite... but I hadn't been using it properly.
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