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Old 22-02-2012, 07:03 AM
Posts: n/a
Well I don't actually KNOW what Eris is up to - those words were just brainstorms... and I guess I'm still feeling the neptune vibes from your other thread.

Pluto I understand as the deeper judge of what is remembered and what is repressed. I also see in it the death card of Tarot - destruction as a form of change or transition from one paradigm to the next. Pluto is also the outcast, being sent alone to Hades (until he found Persephone).

I've never experienced Pluto as a purely destructive planet, except possibly as self-destructive when poorly aspected or when leading something to a paradigm shift (for the better or for the worse). There is always an afterlife.

As far as the collective vs. individual, certainly it affects both. I looked at the three outer planets, especially Pluto, over the past hundred years and you can clearly see how they affect trends in our social unconscious. Pluto as the outcast shows us all the counter-cultures which sprung up, from the Leo rock and roll liberation to the Virgoan grassroots hippies to the Libran peace and love hippies, to the scorpian punks, goths and grunge to the saggitarian clique divide (with so many little movements, especially New Age and Indie), to the still developing Capricornian counterculture of today.
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