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Old 10-02-2018, 06:08 AM
SkyGodWarrior SkyGodWarrior is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 719
Hearing this chord being played...

I have been awakened by a chord that seems like some type of instrument...... It has happened two days in a row now... the first time I thought it was the train but it sounded like a very odd train and it continued instead of ended.. it was like a long steady chord being played... not quite sure what kind of instrument it would be... but it would probably be a stringed instrument for sure vs a flute or something....

This morning when I heard it I knew this time it was not a train and tried to listen for it as I woke up and It was definitely not a train... lol what is this... would this be an alternative to my alarm clock... i hear this sound possibly 30mins before I wake up... i usually wake up to my alarm and I swing my self out of bed and rush to end the alarm because I am annoyed by it lol.. I only give myself 15 minutes to get ready lol.....
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