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Old 16-01-2018, 09:52 PM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
Posts: 3,580
It is easy to forget what life was like before the internet (for those of us beyond a certain age). If we wanted information on something we had to go to the library or hunt round bookshops trying to find books on the subject. If we wanted particular products we had to try to find somewhere that sold these products. If we wanted to learn something in particular we had to hunt around for available courses. The options were so limited. Now it is all available at the push of a button. Wonderful.

On a deeper level, I see the internet as an exteriorisation of the collective human mind, in all its aspects from the highest to the lowest. As human beings we seek to create outward expressions of our internal states. Just as our intuition gives us immediate direct knowledge about something, so the internet is an external manifestation of this inner ability. I see the internet as a step forward in human evolution, despite all its flaws.

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