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Old 16-09-2012, 07:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Astral Explorer
Yes I totally agree with this 100%, it actually happened to me like a week maybe two weeks ago. I was laying in my bed and falling asleep and out of the blue I just started humming "Amazing grace". A song I have never listened to really or cared for but I just started humming it out of the blue. The reason I think it had something to do with entity activity is because after I stopped humming it I kept hearing a female's voice humming it through astral hearing for several hours straight. Music can definitely be used just like core images, I think they probably use the music to test the strength of their current connection with you. Or because they just would like to hear that song.
This is very good to hear that you have experienced similar. Well, I mean bad for us overall of course but you know what I mean :)

I'll try to sum up my overall experience quickly, still long even though leaving out some details but basically here are the foot notes as to how I came to the music/neg ...

- Have had some suspicion I am dealing with a neg ever since I achieved OOB during a terrible bout of SP and saw an actual entity in my closet

- I feel it's a neg because I confronted it and it just walked away like I meant nothing, the feeling of fear was one of the strongest I've had in a long time, could not even look it in the eyes, just saw the long/cold legs push me back and walk down my hall

- while reading Robert Bruces book he mentions that exact scenario above (seeing negs if you achieve OOB through a SP/WP attack) and says they rarely leave the house, they just re-locate. The EXACT moment I read this I had a STRONG vision of one of my basement closets. For some reason I boarded this perticular closet up so it can't be entered easily, figured it was just kind of dead space and it's very drafty/etc.

- I went downstairs immediately to this closet after having the "vision" and felt very strong chills and the hair on my arms was standing straight up. This closet has always been very cold and drafty for NO reason, probably part of why I don't use it. Being confrontational I had a strong "I got you now" feeling and motivation was high to deal with this

- The very next thing I did was go back upstairs and read the book where I left off, it was an insane coincidence that the very first thing I read was all of the things that just happened to me were Bruce's way off discribing finding a "neg" hideout....things were starting to make a lot of sense. Another interesting thing that hit me that moment is that the closet in question is located EXACTLY beneath my bed, and I mean exactly...

- I passed out, book in hand, fully clothed and after waking up twice due to moving my arm and reaching for something while sleeping (once my right, once my left) I was instantly in an extremely lucid state where I was gasping for air, chocking on vomit, it was a full blown attack and was working...Seems the neg really "turned it on" after my realization of things.

- Woke up and heard the TV on loud in the living room (actually awake at this point) was excited to tell my wife what had just happened (she at least pretends to believe in this stuff, lol, it's nice since sometimes you need to tell somebody) was walking to the living room and noticed the music didn't sound right. It was just the same 8 seconds of an extremely catchy dance melody repeating over and over and over....

- I sat in the hallway and really listened, knowing it wasn't right but wanted to make sure I was really hearing it...I was, and as expected when I rounded the corner to the living room, no TV was on, nobody was awake and the music faded away...

- I went back to bed, could not remember the tune the next morning, no matter how hard I tried...

- the last few days, usually while concentrating on something I have noticed I have been tapping my fingers and humming along to a little ditty...the second it hit me that it was that same 8 second loop of music from a few nights ago a neg/music connection seemed rather conclusive to me...neg interference breaking my concentration...sneaky little things arent they....

By the way - Thanks Astral explorer for the info on Azâzêl, I really know very little about history and appriciate any interesting info like that, very cool :)
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