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Old 28-02-2011, 11:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Introspection Sometimes Leads Me to Negative Thoughts

I am usually reviewing much of what I do, say, and think to see if I'm helping myself, but as it comes with many novice spiritualists (or so I believe), I get stuck on repeating negative thoughts to myself, even though I would obviously like to maintain focus on the positive. I, myself, from my own heart and soul, can't imagine God creating inherently evil beings whatsoever, yet there seems to be a lot of determination from others on this planet to insist that there's a hell with the devil, demons, etc. It's frustrating that when I am reading a book that I derive very good information from starts to delve into this subject of evil spirits. This is not to say that I'm necessarily so much naive about what can really happen in the planes of existence, because I went through a relatively long period of time where I thought I was bound by hellish spirits, but when I communicate with God through my feelings, God assures me that there is no such thing as a real hell. In fact, God gave me a feeling that soon enough I will be revealed more Truth to reassure me further and bring me comfort. I was wondering if anybody reading this may know and can convey to me what it is I may be needing to hear to help me remember more strongly that God really is All That Is; I have patiently been waiting for a very big catalyst in my life, and I know that maybe even the most subtly spoken message relayed to me at this point may help me in a big way.
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