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Old 01-06-2012, 12:19 AM
Posts: n/a
3dnow, I liked your post :). Thinking through the lense of love shows a very different picture. Many of the replies to you here are thinking with the mind, which sees things very differently. Its a square peg/round hole thing. Not to say that the mind doesnt have its uses, but seeing through the eyes of love brings healing and beauty to the world. Brings the Divine a little closer. The mind is a rationalisaing machine that divides and categorises, it works with reflections of reality, empty form.

When I want to know the truth about something, I shift to the heart, allow love energies to expand and rise, then shift myself into this love. And then I see that consciousness and feelings are the important things - in a way, I dont even see anything else. The mind is still working, to degrees, trying to grasp and understand, but it is underneath love now, working to process what the heart has already seen.

This is reflected in Islamic culture - one reason Muslims touch their head to the ground when they pray, it because this is symbolising that the mind is beneath the heart.
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