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Old 11-02-2018, 09:28 PM
aimtobe aimtobe is offline
Join Date: Jan 2018
Location: Missouri
Posts: 270
Going Off the Grid

I've been contemplating lately how to transfer from life as we know it to off the grid. I'm fearful that it's hard to make that transition. Afterall, I'm subject to dependence on the economy and market to eat, clothe, and provide for myself in other ways. I cannot conceive of making a living on my own, since I'm so used to the way we depend on currency. I hear there's communities that live like this. I'm sure they aren't everywhere and plentiful yet though.

Everything we need comes from the Earth (and Sun). It is sufficient in providing what we need as long as we don't mess with it nor take for ourselves out of greed.

Anyways, I wanted to provide a thread for transition support, if there isn't one already. Does anyone know how to transition into a lifestyle independent of money and dependent on Earth/nature?
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