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Old 19-03-2017, 07:59 PM
starandrea starandrea is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Posts: 26
For me, time exists as a way of perceiving the universe. So time exists as much as sight exists. Forward and back, or past and future, are as useful a way of perceiving the universe as the visible spectrum of light is. It doesn't show us everything, but it allows us to make sense of some things, and the way they relate to some other things.

I'm used to using time, the way I'm used to using sight, but I do find that not using it is only as inconvenient as the company I keep :) That is, time is only important when we're with other people who are relying on it. In the same way that I don't really need to see if I'm with other people who are using senses other than sight to interact.

So although I feel I may have misunderstood your question, my answer is that it feels more or less normal depending on how heavily I'm relying on time at any given moment.
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