Thread: Nonsense
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Old 28-02-2015, 01:51 PM
Posts: n/a

A lot of this rings true and that video was a riot! It is fairly amusing and meta (not metta ) when people's "spirituality" becomes a way to strengthen the ego... in fact, in Ch'an Buddhism, the precursor to Zen, this is called the most dangerous trap to fall into, because you can be deluded that you are on the right path, yet using the very "path" you are on to stifle your development.

That said, I wouldn't be too rough with people using words like "energy" in certain cases, because when you experience something, for example, during meditation, it is hard to describe what you are feeling... so, although I tend not to use the word TOO much outside of a scientific context (unless, of course, someone else refers to something as energy... then I go along with their word, since that is how they understand it), "energy" is as good of a metaphor as any to describe the flow of sensations, perception and emotion. That said, using them to sound wise instead of simply describe something is inexcusable.
