Thread: Two years....
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Old 06-05-2012, 09:25 PM
Posts: n/a
I had to remind the spiritual chat room today, to think of Matt and his spiritual quests for others guidance. As the room was used in vain much of the time, or is most of the time when I visited. A girl in the room was upset because of someone trouble making in the room. I had no idea what was going on, being the first time in the chat room myself, but I interceded there for Matt, as I felt someone telling me to tell them to keep it spiritual.. I did so, not even knowing what the subject was about... a girl pm me and thanked me, because of problems in the chat. Well whatever problems there is, I don't know, I am new since late last night and took a look into the chat today... maybe the chats should be monitored more often, for Matt and his desire for spiritual growth.
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