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Old 13-12-2010, 06:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Thanks for all the replies

in addition to tourmaline i was going to reccomend bach flower remedies and medidation, they are great for release!
Yes I meditate when I have the time, usually weekends and that definitely helps. Also I was thinking about buying some Bach's

And grounding, and maybe even saging yourself.
I never used to ground myself but I do it a couple of times a day and have really noticed a positive change. Is saging the same as smudging?

'I instantly thought of Black Tourmaline or agate.'
I had a look at agate, I only liked the black agate but they don't do it in a small tumble stone on the website where I want to get it from.

I love my black obsidian ball with a golden shine. It's like entering a dark cocoon with a light at the end of the tunnel .
Oooo nice!

You know, its true what they say that a crystal chooses us. Or maybe its our subconscious telling us which crystals we need. I never really look at the healing properties or purposes of a crystal until after i've bought them. Pink Kunzite released a lot of negative emotion's for me....when previously i didn't know why on earth i was drawn to that one. What i'm trying to say is just go with the one your most drawn too, you can't really make an error

Yes I agree, despite making this thread! I have actually put all my light coloured crystals away, I had ones like amethyst, angelite, rose quartz which I loved but now I don't seem to like them as much and have really felt drawn to black crystals.
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