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Old 13-11-2017, 02:19 PM
Golden Eagle Golden Eagle is offline
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 470
Originally Posted by Spotted&HerbaceousSmall
Wotcha gang,
So I'm fairly certain that angels and/or guides are trying to get a message across.

I've got a couple of matters I've asked for help and advice on, and I get feathers and Robins etc during the day at appropriate moments in response to "Are you there guys?" type questions.. I know I'm supposed to be paying attention to my dreams to get a more detailed response, but my dreams are usually really weird, and always influenced by the day or what I've been reading /watching /doing before bed, and I can never remember anything clearly!

So does anyone have any advice to help me clear my busy brain so it's a bit more receptive?

Thanks in advance

Angelic Messages are most often SYMBOLIC in language ...... like any language it takes time to learn. JOURNAL your dreams no matter how weird they appear. Some are connected ......... first a confusion dream may come, but the dream is a story which can only be seen if you journal your dreams ..... then a connectivity is seen ....... Angelic Voices may appear as you work with this. At first these voices are not always remembered ...... but you remember something from it. The Messages (Answers) GROW with your FOCUS (Intention) to HEAR!

Dreams are influenced by the events of the day. USE this! Use the DAY to FOCUS the INTENTION on HEARING what is ALWAYS TRUE and IN YOU. Put aside those things of the day you no longer NEED ....... use that time instead for Walking in Nature and Communing with Angels (Gods Voice for us), silently ......... Angels ANSWER those who are paying attention for the right Reason, the right reason is to REMEMBER the TRUTH long forgotten.

Angels may even APPEAR ........ may appear in photos ...... or may appear as Energy Balls of Light ........ the Balls of Light may CHANGE into an Angelic Form or may make Sacred Geometry formations ........ or an Angel may even appear as a man-woman and you will NOT know ..... at least not at first .....

These appearances grow for a time ......... and some spectacular amazing experiences can and do come. Do not CLING to the experiences though .... as they are TRANSITIONAL. You can HEAR DIRECT THOUGHTS from the DIVINE as you GROW , this is the HOLY SPIRIT ( the TRUE MIND God made at the instant we mis-created egoic mind) .

You may even have Out Of Body experiences ........ this is the Astral Body , the body which does not require anything other than Divine Energy to support it. Your ESSENTIAL BEING does not require anything to sustain it but the Divine! Your human body is just a Communication device of Spirit ........ but most get stuck in the drama of outer events. PERSIST in seeking TRUTH UNTIL you are the TRUTH and you KNOW IT.

Old patterns must fall off ........ for the NEW to Enter.

Simplify-Simplify-Simplify ~!
A Calm and trained Consciousness is needed to HEAR the Whispers of the Eternal~
A 10 minute Meditation prior to sleep is beneficial ........ this can take 9 months just to get to an ALERT STATE without the chattering mind which does not want you to be Self Aware ..... and does all it can to disrupt your Conscious Awareness ~
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