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Old 03-08-2013, 12:35 AM
Posts: n/a

What do you mean with spiritual break through? Death? Well, when I realize that I was seeing 11:11 more times than normal, the radio/CD of my car got crazy, the dial change the station by itself... Last month, my microwave oven tilted (stop to work) lasting 1 minute and 11 seconds at 11:11 pm. I became afraid of poltergeister or paranormal activity of my brain. Since then I have been searching for information. Yesterday I bought four books (with 11:11 in the title) to look up more information since in the net I have not felt confortable. If we are / were ou will be angels or belong to a angelĀ“s circle I think we are not meant to stay dancing for more than 20 years. What about abductions, as in the TV series called "4400"? One week ago I took the elevator to go to my home and it stoped in the second floor (I believe by itself). When I got in the apartment I realized that it was not the mine and I saw the number 222 in the door. They have been strong and frightening experiences... I believe I am a spiritual being.
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