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Old 15-04-2020, 06:16 PM
Posts: n/a

Yes I see that. Good observation!

How does each animal tie to each cardinal point? I've seen different animals used to correspond each quarter points. Like the snake, the crow, the frog, and the hare. All of these animals are often the familars of a witch! And it's used in the witches compass. I've noticed your plate has both the snake and crow. The snake is West and the crow, East? Why? Just curious. The snake would usually be in the East and the crow at the North in the compass.

If you dont mind my asking. How are the other two animals represented on your altar plate connected with the specific direction?

The white candle can be used as an all purpose candle but I never felt compelled to substitute any color candles to white. Only under certain circumstances when I really need a specific color candle but I dont have then I would substitute the candle.

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