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Old 19-05-2018, 02:09 AM
Colorado Colorado is offline
Join Date: Nov 2015
Posts: 715
Originally Posted by linen53
I commit suicide in an earlier lifetime. I was thinking only of the pain I was going through. There was no judgement on the other side other than me judging myself. I was so disappointed in myself.

I left a sister behind in that life. It felt more like abandonment to her. She is my daughter in this life and there is much anger towards me that I am having to endure from her.

That's true, suicide is so heartbreaking. You wonder if somebody just reached out, or gave a hug, or was just there to talk and be a friend...if it would've happened.

I think there has to be forgiveness on all sides. There are no winners..everybody loses. But, you can't really hate someone who isn't thinking straight, and who is in emotional and mental pain like that. I've learned a lot from being a parent, amd I treat people the way I would if it were one of my own two children suffering...with compassion and love.

I also had a past life of committing suicide, it was shown to me through dreams...I think I told you about it on here already.

I'm sorry your daughter is still so angry, maybe one day she will wake up and let it go. She may realize life is short, the older she gets. I've forgiven a lot of my family....even though I can't be around some of them anymore.
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