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Old 31-08-2019, 10:32 AM
EdmundJohnstone EdmundJohnstone is offline
Join Date: Jan 2019
Posts: 156
Hmm, even if I'd like to believe B or C there isn't any proof for them. As for A, many people (Like Richard Dawkins) would say that there is sort of a proof that people are their brains, including memories, thoughts, emotions, personality, feelings, intellect etc. How? Look at Dementia people, look at the Guy who got knocked out in a bar fight. Most that went unconscious would say that there was a blank period of unawareness for them and that death would be also an unaware endless state as before being born. So upon death, when brain dies a skeptic would say that it is the end (as consciousness is a byproduct of chemical and electrical reactions within the brain) and that the brain can't transfer all the information to the soul, or that a soul can hold these information.

For someone like Dawkins , there is no need for a soul as the brain does everything. It is easier to say and explain A rather than B or C. (As the soul would be sort of a fairy tale). " A "sort of has proof as most skeptics will tell you " Death would be like before being born as you being unaware", or that NDE represents an anoxic (Oxygen deprived) brain struggling for survival thus hallucinating. The thing is that all those explanations for A can serve as proof and are easier to grasp than something like a soul . It's like believing in Santa Claus and his flying raindeer. If I would tell someone that I saw a living unicorn they would tell that I'm crazy, but if I would tell I saw a living brown mustang horse,they won't be surprised, that would be mundane. The same analogy can be made with a fire spitting dragon and a Komodo dragon, God or any other Fairy tale
Originally Posted by Siemens
So you say, you have no reason to believe that it is something else that A?

Last edited by EdmundJohnstone : 31-08-2019 at 02:33 PM.
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