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Old 17-10-2017, 03:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Explorer21
The idea that women cannot be priests, because God said so, was created, NOT by God, but by men who thought women were inferior to men. Male-dominant Judaism was largely responsible for this attitude inherited by Christianity and voiced by such teachers as Paul of Tarsus who said that women should keep quiet in church and obey their husbands in everything. And Christians call his opinions "THE WORD OF GOD."
The only people in Christianity who are allowed to be priests are those who have a penis, and then they are not allowed to use it.

You raise an interesting point. God, of course, didn't invent priests or the Christian liturgy either nor the ritual originally practiced by the Roman Church. Much seems to derive from pagan ritual and the solar-phallic theurgy brought forward from Egypt eventually arriving in Rome. The idea, (I suppose - correct me if I'm wrong) is that the man planted the seed (in the fertility rites). That's why the bishop's mitre is the shape it is and what he represents.

You're certainly right in the Abrahamic faiths. Whether for the reason I've suggested or some other magickal reason, men quickly grabbed the priesthood and kept it as their own. Women were denied access to the old Hebrew mysteries. (Giving such access to Miriam Magdelena was one of the things that got Jesus into trouble).

It's why I can't go along with any Christian orthodoxy - priests strip people of their spirituality, tell them what to believe and how to go about it - and followers obey. Time and again it's been used to control - not just women but entire nations. Most religions are about power and control. More recently the Anglican church has let up on this. In terms of origins the "magic" doesn't work with women performing the orthodox rituals but there really is no reason why a woman can't be an officant/priestess. I can understand women not being bishops in the hierarchy so perhaps it's time to develop a new set of Christian rituals.

This doesn't stop anyone being a Christian - a student/follower of Jesus' teachings (which is not what churches are about). Shame His ministry lasted only three years before He was arrested.
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