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Old 22-10-2012, 04:48 AM
Posts: n/a
I most definitely know that Et's have been visiting for eons, yet many remain out of sight, and many don't require "physical" spacecraft.

With the recent massive sightings i suspect many are ours, or experimental, and only witnesses can judge what is military and what might be ET craft.
If they establish telepathic contact of some sort for example.

All the same, with the massive earth changes, it's felt that visitations have greatly increased.
And I suspect an increased visible presence ,along with ongoing crop circles is intended to make it very clear, we are not alone...despite govt denials about an ET presence.

I've never seen a bonified UFO in the sky, of either sort, , yet have been "abducted" & transported aboard 2-3 times years ago.
Pretty strange yet not intimidating-scary.

Why I've never seen a passing craft remains a mystery, though I'd most likely want a ride back home.
Had a few lucid dreams as a kid, though....more real than real. Immense, silent craft.

Last edited by Henri77 : 22-10-2012 at 06:12 AM.
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