Thread: online tarot
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Old 06-08-2011, 08:07 AM
Posts: n/a
Lynn, maybe the cards were right but the menaing is wrong. Tarot generally works best when someone can intutively pick up on your sistuaiton and interptret the accordingly.

Like for example (and I coul be super wrong), The Hanged Man might siple suggest suspension or a passiveness. You don't feel the need to move and are colelcting knowledlge or info until another oppourutnity happens (or doesnt). The Fool may mean that you want to turn away or relax, you want to be childlike occasionally. The Hermit usually suggest wanting alone time. The Magacian suggest havign the ability to work situations in your favor or perhaps haven a strengthened spirituality. Judgmenet is self-explanatory but may not show itself in the way you think. It couold be in deciding what loans/bills to pay off, whether to invest in a tv with your hubby, or what event or friend you decide to entertain. The Wheel of Fotune is, well, yeah. It's good. lol

I don't think online readings are incorrect but I believe the meanings behind them can't be trusted. I've found the cards online and the readers themselves to be just as inaccurate at times.
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