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Old 29-12-2019, 03:13 PM
mparkes mparkes is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Spokane, WA
Posts: 118
Hi Soul_Surfer
I like what you are getting at here, because I do something very similar where I have a daily Tarot spread I do, (CC, 10 cards), and go from there. It is sort of a scan I guess... I don't try and look at each card that much anymore. I sort of just get a general take from it and often I get nothing from it! Which is probably what I need lol... I like what you are saying about the third desired resonance of the mind. That sounds a lot like a transitional zone (area) where you find those two originating parts being blended slightly... and I wonder that it is that blended area (this third possible part that is arising from these archetypes - symbols) that helps our lives stay nice and flowing and gentle, so that we find our happiness now, in this moment. What you share is intriguing to me because I have been very sensitive to this idea of transitional zones for a while now. Beaches for example, ocean and land... those two parts of the mind Right-left halves?... there could be a need for a third area. Which you may be taping into. That is creating a third, transitional area... those are the peacemaker themes to me... Epsilon, Omicron... blending... helping to harmonize more than trying to "be" an active part.
Thanks for sharing!
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