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Old 19-02-2018, 05:13 AM
SaturninePluto SaturninePluto is offline
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I am actually very much the same way with making eye contact and looking people in the eyes.

In my case however I am well aware of my reasons and that I have these reasons due to this lifetime and what I have learned from this lifetime incarnation.

First my only reason for normally being very anxious with making eye contact with others- and for me the emotion is indeed extreme anxiety- is simple. And it is that I have noticed with the vast majority of people- I don't actually like what I see there. Neither do I respect it, neither will I take it on and own it in any way shape or form. What I see I also have simply given up trying to explain. Knowing full well most will not even understand.

That is my reason, and I full well know by experience it has nothing to do with my past lives. The life I see what is truly present behind the eyes of most- is in fact this one.

I stopped even trying to hope to find a light within most years ago.

I do make direct eye contact sparingly. I find when I do this I am no longer anxious at all. I usually do this making direct eye contact business only when I am in a position of trying out a power play, or that is to say in a situation that calls for seriousness and respect to look into anothers eyes, or in other words, in important social circumstances where it is expected- like when I will speak with a doctor, or an officer or another such figure in social standing, and not so much as a sign of respect but more I wish to be taken seriously by the individual and if we are discussing something to show they have my attention and I am listening.

It is very much the same when I sparingly make eye contact for the next reason which is- when I am talking with someone I know quite well and we have actually spoken before, or are quite friendly already, or in the rare case it is a stranger whom poses no immediate threat and I can tell and feel already that it is alright to look into their eyes they are prone to have friendliness in them.

So I make eye contact when listening to someone in an important conversation I am usually forced into as it is a health concern and I am either talking to a professional- doctor- or an authority figure- the law.

Other than that my eye contact is for those I actually truly respect.

For the common unknown masses- I have seen most of what is there already. They are strangers, I am not here to placate them, I for the most part make it through my day avoiding dealing with those I do not know. I respect them in so far as I do not antagonize them, I do not patronize them, and I do not ask them for anything. I move through my life for the most part paying them as little mind as possible and praying too, they do not take any notice to me.

When I go out and public I behave politely and with respect, I will hold the door at the store, or whatever building I am at for others. But when others start to think that door is an invitation to try to know anything about me at all, or an invitation at all for abuse- I slam it shut cold. And I am well aware enough of the general intent of others long before they realize I was ever aware of it at all.

For while I usually avoid dead on eye contact- that actually doesn't mean I don't look. And I always look. To make sure I know exactly what it is I am looking at.

I have seen the cold, the hate, in the eyes of others. I being female have also seen what a predator looks like, and have enough experience with harassment of all types to know exactly that they actually have a tell tale look in the eyes.

I can not tell you if what you are experiencing could be past life related or not, I do not know what your reasons are for whom you look at and for how long, and why.

I only know of my own for certain.

I also have considered that old adage to perhaps be true- The eyes are the windows to the soul.

I have considered that. By the majority of what I see, I want nothing to do with it...
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