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Old 27-02-2018, 11:02 AM
Being Being is offline
Join Date: Jan 2014
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Illness & Health from an Integrative Perspective

Emotional Suppression/Unhealthy Emotional Expression leading to mental illness
Basic Model -

Layers of emotional 'mechanism' - (personal/interpersonal & transpersonal)

Psychosis/Mania (breaks through the depressed state, & seeks resolution/healing/integration)
Depression - [Depressed emotional/psychological state]
Denial - Invalidation/Trivialisation - covers -
Anger - Blame - covers -
Sadness - covers -
Fear - Ignorance (lack of understanding/healing) -
(original trauma(s))

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i don't personally think these areas can be properly understood without some understanding of the esoteric nature of the Self.

Leaving aside the Higher Spiritual planes/levels -

The Spiritual/Psyche/Physical -

What can be considered to be the material realms (according to certain models (of many)) -

Corresponding centres - Awareness/phenomenal level -

Atmic limit
Higher & lower impersonal Self >
Crown - Atmic (Limit of Kundalini)
Brow & Throat - Intuitive
Lower & Personal Self >
Heart Centre - Higher Mental
[Mind Bridge]
Solar Plexus - Lower Mental
Emotional - Astral
Spleen - Etheric
Physical (Body/Brain)

Spiritual Emergencies: Understanding and Treatment of Psychospiritual Crises -

Discussion of each in below link -

1. Shamanic crisis
2. Awakening of Kundalini
3. Episodes of unitive consciousness (Maslow's "peak experiences")
4. Psychological renewal through return to the center (John Perry)
5. Crisis of psychic opening
6. Past-life experiences
7. Communication with spirit guides and "channeling"
8. Near-death experiences (NDEs)
9. Close encounters with UFOs and alien abduction experiences
10. Possession states
11. Alcoholism and drug addiction

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Very short summation of some Theosophical ideas -

"Our essence is beyond space and time, aware of itself as a part of infinity. I'll call this Spirit

This essence puts a very small part of itself - the soul - into the world of space and time, incarnation, and so develops its consciousness through experiencing duality.
After hundreds or even thousands of incarnations, the soul is ready to merge into its spirit and continue its evolution in worlds beyond our imagination.

The soul itself creates another layer - the personality or ego - which is the vehicle of consciousness for the soul in one particular life time.

In Western culture the soul is strongly encouraged to forget its own identity, and to identify itself solely with its personality. This makes for a cheap, obedient workforce.

Spiritual emergence in this model occurs when identification with the personality/ego is broken, even for only a moment. The personality/ego has to come to terms with the realisation that there is much more to life than it had realised (made real).

Once this limited identification is broken, the ego will desire to return to its old way of life, yet usually has to concede it has a bigger purpose than it wants to know about. Consensual reality no longer works for it, so it must experiment and create a larger map of reality.

Often ego inflation occurs at this stage. The ego has a strong sense of separation, yet has had a glimpse of the immensity of the universal mind. It may then decide it is the messiah or God or a chosen saviour. As a spirit, it is indeed God, however as a soul and ego, it is still evolving to become God incarnate.

A spiritual emergence is a part of the evolutionary process when awareness shifts from ego to soul. With mindfulness, we can observe if our thoughts, emotions and actions arise from our ego - that strong sense of a separate me - or from the soul.

Eventually, the ego has had enough of suffering, and is ready to accept it is a part of a much greater being than it believed itself to be, and to be grateful for that."


The etheric body, ether-body, æther body, a name given by neo-Theosophy to a vital body or subtle body propounded in esoteric philosophies as the first or lowest layer in the "human energy field" or aura. It is said to be in immediate contact with the physical body, to sustain it and connect it with "higher" bodies.

The English term "etheric" in this context seems to derive from the Theosophical writings of Madame Blavatsky, but its use was formalised by C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant due to the elimination of Hindu terminology from the system of seven planes and bodies. (Adyar School of Theosophy).

The term gained some general popularity after the 1914-18 war, Dr.Walter John Kilner having adopted it for a layer of the "human atmosphere" which, as he claimed in a popular book, could be rendered visible to the naked eye by means of certain exercises.

The classical element Aether of Platonic and Aristotlean physics continued in Victorian scientific proposals of a Luminiferous ether as well as the cognate chemical substance ether. According to Theosophists and Alice Bailey the etheric body inhabits an etheric plane which corresponds to the four higher subplanes of the physical plane. The intended reference is therefore to some extremely rarefied matter, analogous in usage to the word "spirit" (originally "breath"). In selecting it as the term for a clearly defined concept in an Indian-derived metaphysical system, the Theosophists aligned it with ideas such as the prana-maya-kosha (sheath made of prana, subtle breath or life-force) of Vedantic thought.

In popular use it is often confounded with the related concept of the astral body as for example in the term astral projection - the early Theosophists had called it the "astral double". Others prefer to speak of the "lower and higher astral".

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The human being that lives on Earth and through understanding finishes the existence of his/her ego, opens his/her consciousness, which becomes diffused into the universe and in this way reaches the level of Great Understanding. After that, the human consciousness arranges all accumulated information into the level of Cognition that is completed by Enlightenment. After this process the human being turns into an energetic being and leaves the physical universe. He/she enters the higher luminary world of positive energies where the being continues to develop and learns to create increasingly higher and higher positive energies. The final stage is the conscious creation of the highest energy – the Absolute and becoming the part of it.

The Three Simultaneously True Levels of Nondual Reality
(one Absolutely True, the other two “relatively true”)

3 - Conventional level
2 - Psychic-Soul level


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Multi-Dimensional Beings

"All beings are multi-dimensional, including humans. Our problem is that we have forgotten our multi-dimensional nature and have been disconnected from much of ourselves. The variety of beings out there which you will become aware of through awakening your Third Eye and spiritual transformation is truly amazing. From nature spirits to angels to Extraterrestrials to huge beings maintaining the dimensions to the tiny beings in particles, there are beings everywhere. An explanation of the infinite variety of beings in existence is beyond the scope of any book as it is truly infinite. By awakening your spiritual senses you will inevitably become aware of many different beings and you will be able to communicate directly with them. The communication used is telepathic although sometimes you may actually hear words. Generally telepathy involves the transmission of feelings which the receiver can then put into words much like a translation. There will always be information lost in translation just like when trying to explain to someone an experience you have had. Can they ever really know how you felt by your description alone? Can you know the taste of a piece of fruit by a description? You may get some idea but you can never know until you taste it. Indeed even with friends, loved ones and others here on Earth, telepathic communication could rid the World of so many misunderstandings."
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