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Old 13-02-2020, 11:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
IEpilepsy is caused by the random firing of nerves in the brain...anti siezure medication can help control the symptoms in some patients leading to a better quality of life... cannabis oil can do likewise with less side effects, but cannabis oil is illegal in my, archaic laws are suppressing treatment because the establishment has vested interests in "Big Pharma" at the total expense of those they are trying to treat.

My dog suffers siezures. Second one in a row! The first developed them when 10 years old and she was put on pheno and she tolerated it well, never having another and her liver enzymes never indicated damage.

My current dog developed them so young I was worried about prolonged pheno or other meds impact on his liver so I tried CBD capsules and he hasn't had one since and I'm only giving him half the recommended dosage. It's online ordering without a script too. I just did my research and use a reputable seller that supplies third party test results of their product.
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