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Old 20-02-2018, 09:39 PM
Nitiananda Nitiananda is offline
Join Date: Feb 2018
Posts: 161
Having completed the process of cultivation in Raja Yoga, one goes on to Kundalini Yoga. Those who have switched to this process are very energetic. They also have a strong will.
In Kundalini yoga, it is energy that is important. In other words, it is important how you can save vital energy.
Usually, those who have started the spiritual practice of Kundalini Yoga, have a strong sexual desire. This sexual desire is equivalent to the desire to live. The person begins to raise the energy of the "desire to live" until it breaks through the Sahasrara chakra located on the vertex. Achieving Kundalini Yoga is a state in which energy reaches the Causal world, and then the Mahayana.
If a person then continues to expand the energy channels, he attains perfection in Kundalini Yoga. In this period, a state is reached when he does not feel any lack of energy at all. Simultaneously, energy stimulates the brain, which creates a special type of brain brain genius.
Then comes the Jnana Yoga process. At this stage, a person begins to analyze all phenomena, being in a state where sexual desire is overcome. The victor in the Truth of Sakyamuni attained Enlightenment by means of a comprehensive analysis of this universe and thereby achieved Liberation.
Today I mainly explained Raja yoga. Tomorrow I'm going to give a detailed explanation of Kundalini Yoga. And the day after tomorrow we will talk again about Jnana yoga.

As I said, you need to attain perfection in the seven yogas. It is very difficult to do this, since you have to regenerate more than 1000 times. In order to immediately go through all the processes, Tantra Yoga was invented.
It is quite natural that practicing Tantra yoga, you can overtax, because you must immediately open the energy channels located in the human body, namely, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, and immediately raise energy. Any mistake here can become fatal. However, although Tantra Yoga causes overwork, this is the only way to reach the final stage of true Liberation, the highest Liberation, provided that everything is done right.
This practice is practiced in such schools of Tibetan Buddhism as the Nyingma Pa and Kagyu pa. I allow this kind of practice to be practiced only by those who can withstand the practice of Tantra, because on this path there are the dangers mentioned and overwork. Many of the faithful laity practiced tantric practice without permission and failed. You must be careful not to be like them.
With loss of energy, different yogas lead to different states
Today I will tell you about the second stage of Kundalini Yoga, the achievement of which may require 1000 lives. Kundalini yoga is based on vital energy. Remember, please, about what I told you yesterday about Raja Yoga. Raja Yoga has one drawback. For example, if a person spends Shaktipat, spends energy and does not practice spiritual practice, his will, the basis of Raja yoga, can be broken. And if he loses his will, he will become an ordinary person. Therefore, he will have to engage in spiritual practice from the very beginning.
With Kundalini Yoga, the situation is different. Suppose that the Kundalini of Yoga who has attained the end of his life has spent energy on Shaktipates and Shaktipra yoga. In many cases, he may be prompted to commit suicide. K and S reached Liberation in Kundalini Yoga. If they spend energy on special initiations or Shaktipat, they will feel a lack of energy and will be embraced by the urge to commit suicide.
However, the Yogis who have attained Kundalini will re-enter their former state after some time. This is the advantage of Kundalini Yoga.
But if the energy loses the unattained, then it really can die. Practicing Kundalini yoga, we should not waste sexual energy also because we need to protect ourselves from energy leaks.
Having attained Kundalini Yoga, a person goes on to the next Jnana Yoga process. I will only briefly explain its essence, as we will speak about it tomorrow.
If one attains perfection in Jnana Yoga, he can destroy karma by properly analyzing one's own state, even if he has taken on the karma of others. That is why he can return to his former state, even if he gave Shaktipat or engaged in Shaktipra yoga.
He can do this because, due to his perfection in Kundalini Yoga, his losses are insignificant. The only problem for him is the karma that clogs the energy channels. Having destroyed this karma, he can return to his former state. Therefore, I take it for granted that K and Sh must go on to the next Jnana Yoga process.
Let me explain in detail Kundalini Yoga, the main theme of today's lecture.
First of all, think about what it takes to achieve Kundalini Yoga. Firstly, "adherence to the guru", although it is necessary in all yogis. But for Kundalini Yoga, commitment is especially important, along with "Merit" and "practice of Truth."
Why is it necessary to have commitment, merit and practice the Truth?
Kundalini yoga can automatically transfer a person to the Astral or Causal world, even if he did not concentrate. If the energy rises, he will go to these worlds. But what happens if he does not have commitment or Merit? He will be in the Devil's state.
There are various astral worlds: dirty and beautiful, awful and pleasant. In the Causal world, there are also different worlds: dirty and beautiful, terrible and pleasant. If we fly into these worlds without commitment or Merit, we will immediately lose our peace of mind, because we will constantly go to a terrible world.
To fly to good and high worlds, you need to have merit or commitment and practice the Truth. Clear?
So, the keys to achieving Kundalini Yoga are this: can a person perfectly visualize the image of the guru (in my case, my image) or not, can he accumulate the Merit or not, whether he relies on the teachings of Truth or not. Moreover, if you are seeking to reach the Mahayana, you must practice after the Kundalini Yoga of Jnana Yoga to be able to analyze your own state.
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