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Old 01-10-2017, 05:17 PM
Joanna_ph Joanna_ph is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 73
Part Faerie part nephilim.

Since I was too young (4-5 years old) I was able to cast spells and control the elements. I was and still am able to comunicate with nature and her elements. Until 3 days ago I thought I was a witch because when I started looking for what I am a witches skills were close enough to mine. But I was able to feel that something was wrong. I am too powerful at elemental magic for being a witch and I have more skills than a simple witch like know what others are thinking, being an empathed and soaking up energy from nature (I can make a flower shrivel up by soaking up it's energy). Last Friday I tried to comunicate with nature because I wanted some answers. One of them was it I am a witch or not and she ''said'' I am part fae and part nephilim. So I searched for more informations on book and internet and I found the characteristics (character and appearance) of a nephilim and a child that is part fae.
Nephilim :
• rh negative blood
• Hazel, Green or blue eyes
• blond, red or redish hair
• More sensitive vision and other scences
• Lower body Temperature
• psychic/intuitive abilities
• Can not be cloned
• Abilitie to control the elements.
• Increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight
• They cannot be fooled by someone easily.

Fae :
• A detectible look. Often the eyes are light, bright & large, the facial features are fine, ears can be a little elongated or even pointy. Limbs & hands can be attenuated. Their skin is pale and their hair are often dark or any other colour.
• They’ve had a strong interest in fairies or other elementals since childhood, or have fantasized about “being one.”
• They don’t fully trust humans.
• Commonly, they’re enamored of trees, flowers, plants, nature
• They may have had “imaginary friends” in childhood
• Often they are very intuitive or have healing gifts.
• Abilitie to do magic
• They have a weird scence of humor. They laugh when someone is angry or they cry in happy sercomstanses.

I have pale skin blond/brown hair and hazel eyes. My ears are a bit elongated. My blood is rh negative. My body tempterature is always under 36 and I can smell things from nearly 100 m. away. I can hear thinga from too far away. My ability to do magic is powerful enough and sometimes when I get hurt lights are flickering or when I get angry the air growing stronger. I don't trust humans and I had one imaginary friend when I was younger. I love nature and I always loved fairies. I laugh when someone is angry or not in a good mood. I can heal someone and I cannot be fooled by someone easily.

All these are too confusing. Tell me you opinion...
Part fae part nephilim or a witch?
Sorry about this huge text. I appreciate your interest in reading my problem. Thank you.
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