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Old 02-03-2012, 10:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by BeautifulLife
This comment really got me thinking. So what happens to people that are engaged in a relationship and than undergo a spiritual awakening or begin working on their spiritual health. Their vibrational energy would change (increase) and therefore it would no longer be aligned with the person they are in love with unless they were with their TF that would mirror their vibrational changes. Maybe this is really the underlying issues behind "We just grew apart" or "I fell out of love".

Than again I do believe that when two people are already in love with each other than their energy level resonnates so if one person was to increase their energy level I think the natural state would be for the one with the lower energy to match the higher one. If that wasn't the case than someone that had a spiritual awakening or underwent spiritual "work" would clearly fall out of love with their sig other unless they were a TF that would reap the benfit from the vibrational change.

Another thought on this concept.....When we're seperated from our TF and doing the work on our end to raise our vibrational energy and clear away blockages wouldn't it make sense that if they AREN'T our TF that the attraction would die down due to the disparity in our energies as we elevate ours and they remain the same (assuming they aren't doing an equal amount of "work" on their end as well). Would seem to me that as time passed by if the attraction was still there on our end and you're constantly growing and raising your energy than that would kinda confirm they are your TF would it not? If they weren't than how else could you explain them mantaining the same vibrational resonnnate during a period of rapid growth on your end.

I agree with what you say here, from experience. I met my ex-husband when I was a little bit lost and I totally fell for him. Over the years I have explored my spirituality more and more. Eventually as I became more involved with certain things we 'grew apart'. He was insecure and over time became more insecure and began doing strange things. As I was becoming more spiritually aware the more he could nt handle it and eventually we divorced.

I've noticed a lot of people talking about TF's but not much mention of soul mates. it is my understanding that we meet our soul mates to learn a lesson in life or for a particular purpose and once that lesson is learnt or they have served their purpose you both move on - which can still be very painful. i think a lot of people appear to have met soul mates as opposed to twin flames. from what i have read, the number of people to meet their twin flame in this lifetime is minimal. although i have also read that more people than ever in 2012 are to meet their twin flame. it is suggested that when you meet your twin flame you are here to serve a higher purpose together. given the events due to happen going into 2013 (new age) more twin flames are meeting to raise the vibrations of the entire world.

this is my understanding anyway and I am sure that many others will have their own views.
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