Thread: Love in actions
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Old 06-01-2012, 06:12 PM
silent whisper
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Love in actions

Love takes on many forms. Sometimes those forms of love can be quite painful, quite sudden, quite intense, quite beautiful, quite annoying, quite anything really. At times the loving actions of others can feel not so loving, depending on how one sees love of course. If there is one apsect of love I have learned on my own journey that has stayed with me, is that I am responsible for how I love. The love in action I love is my responsiblity only.

What is love in action.......its feels like a moving love.........a love that moves....never stagnant.........always changing.........sometimes its slow......sometimes it very fast......sometimes it still.........sometimes its silent...

In silence we can find a wealth of love that might require action from us. We are responsible to that love in us....we are responsible only to that love......

What is is truth..........what is action of love..........its that truth in action.......our own....that is all.
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