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Old 04-02-2019, 10:37 AM
CosmicWonder CosmicWonder is offline
Join Date: Jul 2017
Posts: 1,511
Dealing with autism

This life I’m having a lot of trouble with information processing. My mind tries to process a huge bulk of information everyday which they call autism. What are related subjects that can improve my understanding of the spiritual side of autism or the more energy-work like sides? In my head I feel/sense what’s wrong. There are parts that have to evolve somehow to improve the information flow and process more data. A while ago it felt (in my words back then) like my chakra’s “died” while they actually might’ve “changed” a bit as far as I know that means nothing to my conscious knowledge (but I always have far more unprocessed knowledge somewhere I guess). How can I better my mind? How can I support it’s growth process? And please don’t say things like diet because my diet may not be perfect but it’s fine.
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