Thread: I saw a fairy.
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Old 16-10-2006, 11:26 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by feohgoddess
Lapis! That is amazing. I am an aquarius which is an air element, so wow! I loved reading your story.

The thing I've been realizing is, the more spiritual intune I've become, the more I'm aware of things, and the more I believe that every law of physics can and has been broken.

Thank you for that information, I have a book which talks about bleedthroughs, I will use that section as a refference tonight! Thank you very much.

I'm amazed at the research I've come across. How many sightings of so many different creatures that supposibly 'don't exist'

I believe that the fairy gave me some sort of confidence, or perhaps cleared my mind even more because I just seem a little more clairvoyant about specific things that I usually hear around the house, and more intune with my spiritual self, along with my physical self.


My pleasure. Isn't it great when our consciousness expands and we actually start to know how small a reality we'd lived in before?! The so-called "Myths" aren't myths at all but stories about Beings that existed/exist at slightly different levels or dimensions. The Elemental groups exist (IMO) in 2D the 2nd dimension. I have this weird memory that I trust even though it's pretty strange. It's of a male "Giant" walking up from behind some small foothills. He straddled them like we would straddle a 4 foot tall fence! He was that big.

I understand that you (and we all do it) want to give the credit to the "Fairy" that you saw but it usually goes the other way around. When we start seeing any of the Elementals (or many of the other wonderful beings out there) it usually indicates that YOU have grown/expanded to the point where you can now perceive more than you did before. These Beings and many Others have always been right there, all around us, but it's us that are regaining the abilities to "see" and "hear" and sense etc. etc. The Goddess Returning....... It's about parts of our brains, our beliefs, our deep inner ancient Selves.

So, give yourself some credit OK because you couldn't have seen or preceived her or other things if you weren't ready to do so. Let the Party begin.

You probably already know all this but I'll throw it out here for anyone else who may enjoy the visual.

FIRE Signs = Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

EARTH Signs = Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

AIR Sings = Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

WATER Signs = Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

You folks in the UK should know all the different names of the different Elementals I'd think. Does anyone have a good list of names for each of the 4 Elemental Groups? I'm light on a couple groups.

Water Elementals would be the Merpeople, Mermaids, Mermen, Undiens, water Nymphs etc.

Earth Elementals would be the Gnomes, Fauns, Brownies, Elves and Earth Fairies.

AIR Elementals would be Air Fairies, Sylphs, Elves and...?

FIRE Elementals would be Salamanders and...?