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Old 01-08-2017, 06:10 AM
iamthat iamthat is offline
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Golden Bay, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by Iamit
It depends on how what is being sought is defined. If that is defined as connection to Oneness then that is unavoidable no matter what state one is in, including unrealized. Some descriptions of non duality state this clearly, others burden seekers with a particular state to achieve without saying that that state is no more connected to Oneness than the state the seeker is already in,

It is true that the realisation of Oneness is the realisation of what we already are. We are that state whether we realise it or not.

But having the conscious realisation that we are one with everything is vastly different to not knowing this as an everyday reality.

It is the transition from consciousness identified with personality to consciousness identified with Being. That Being has always been present, but to be able to identify with that is indescribable.

So again, without direct realisation, all we have are some nice ideas.

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