Thread: Elementals
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Old 13-03-2017, 06:31 PM
Element Element is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Location: Scotland
Posts: 95
Continuing on the examples of elementals..

People that suffer from an addiction - have an elemental as the root cause of their problem. Thus alcoholics and drug addicts always have developed elementals attached to them. The nature of these cases usually indicate the often grotesque appearance of the elementals, they are usually dark coloured often dark brown.
Gamblers too are in the same classification though their ill habit isn't usually detrimental to their health whereas the former two definitely create problems of the physical body.

The term 'cold turkey' is sometimes used to describe the condition of 'going through an isolation period' away from the drink, drug or other addiction. It works - at least for the short term in many cases. Imagine the scene of the addict locked in a room and unable to get the gratification or 'fix' that s/he wants. The mind is tortured by the weaning off process - the elemental strives to hold on as long as possible to the person - but inevitably it loses its control over them and weakens because truly - 'it can't get its gratification'. On being released to the greater world, the person has a far greater chance of 'kicking the habit' because the elemental is not as strong as it was. It is usually still present but its power has faded. The strength of character in the person is then under test.

Elementals are much more common than people might think; very few people have not either got one or had one in their lives. It can be as trivial as a small bump in a traffic jam leading to an argument between two car drivers - and one or other 'doesn't let go' of their brooding, repeating negative thoughts about the other driver...
Fear and worry are probably the most common forms of elemental throughout people the world over.

Positive elementals also exist, though they're not often considered; they are the result of positive, optimistic repeated feeling and thinking. Some people almost seem to 'shine' with their personality, always bubbly, always smiling and 'there for you'..
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