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Old 23-02-2014, 01:51 PM
rodan rodan is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
Posts: 310
The hypnotist relaxes the subject to bypass the critical factor and suggestions are allowed into the subconscious mind. When a person is in a relaxed state the conscious mind can be bypassed in order to directly make suggestions to the subconscious mind.

So, to hypnotize a person, you need to get that subject into relaxed state, preferably both body and mind.

The more willing the person is to be hypnotized, the easier it is.

It can be argued that even an unwilling subject can be hypnotized, though more difficult.

I don't think it has anything to do with being in contact with the unconsciousness of the people around the subject. That's something to ponder, though.

Stage hypnotists can have several subjects on stage, giving each suggestions, and the others are not affected by the suggestions intended for a particular person.

For instance, say, the hypnotist has five people in trance, all sitting in chairs, side by side. He gives the first a suggestion, the other four do not follow the suggestions, unless the hypnotist is directing the suggestion to all five. Only the one, is affected.
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