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Old 17-11-2013, 05:43 PM
BringMeTheHorizon BringMeTheHorizon is offline
Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 33
Question I can't stop thinking about death

For the past few years, I've been doing alot of research about death and the afterlife. And it comforts me so much knowing that one day I will die. It's literally on my mind 24/7. I know this is gonna sound weird but it feels like I just don't belong here? Last year I've had a few amazing lucid dreams and some out of body experiences aswell. I was so happy during most of my lucid dreams, it felt like I truly belong there. But I've had a few encounters with shadow persons, aliens, demons and evil entities. So that was basically the main reason why I quit lucid dreaming and astral projecting. So when we die, we go to the astral plane right? I find death and the afterlife so interesting. But it really scares me so much that there are evil entities out there who will try to hurt you once you cross over.

Apparently we all agreed to reincarnate here on earth. What's your opinion about that? Because I think I must have been 'forced' while signing the contract. I honestly just don't like it here. If I ever get the choice again to reincarnate or stay in the afterlife, I will definitely stay in the afterlife. I will never ever come back to earth. And please don't think I'm suicidal, because I'm not. There are still loads of things I want to do here on earth. But for some reason, I have this feeling that I'm going to die at a very young age due to a heart attack. And that also really scares me. The pain you feel before you die. I've read somewhere that right before you're about to die, your soul leaves the body. Just to avoid pain and agony. What do you guys think about that?

English isn't my native language, so I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes. Thanks for taking the time to actually read this.

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