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Old 12-03-2018, 06:12 PM
wanchain wanchain is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
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Posts: 957
Originally Posted by linen53
If you want to understand the ages of the souls incarnating here I might suggest Ainslie McLeod's book The Instruction.

How to survive in a world of middle age and young souls? Well, there becomes an exit strategy for old souls. Our earthly entanglements are less, our relationships are less, and our involvement in societal matters drops off drastically. We just show less interest.

For me I felt an impatience with humankind until I read the above book. Then I had an ah-ha moment. Now when I see people who are engrossed in their lives, busy doing this and that, questioning nothing, I celebrate their humanness. It's their time to shine. It isn't time for them to question. It's their time to experience and explore every heart's desire.

When I first posted this thread, I didn't spend a lot of time phrasing the question. I just threw a question out there, and see how the universe responds. Then I find myself filtering the responses, because they don't resonate with what I am asking.

I don't really have an interest in the topic of soul age, because it's not an immediate concern. The reason it appeared in my question was that readers had been telling me "by the way ... you're an old soul ..." so eventually that message got stuck in my head. Anyway, with the noise I was getting, I decided to "go home," to go back to my soul to ask him for guidance instead. I don't connect to my soul very often. My ego mind is like a little kid, wanting to go out and play all day long, not wanting to come home, even though home is where the resource and nourishment is. But when I get really tired, I realize the place that I should really be in is home.

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