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Old 02-04-2018, 02:50 PM
Nameless Nameless is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Over the Rainbow
Posts: 2,729
I think a huge part of the ascension is shaking things up in whatever world you have been living in so you can see it and decide if you like things the way they are/were. In my case it was always past tense. Like losing a job and going, whaaat? Where did that come from? Or having a health issue, or your children having health issues, or whatever got shaken up in your world.

Ascension to me means, am I going to deal with these things using my old patterns of thoughts and behaviors, or is there a better way to deal with them that feels better.

Ascension brings new tools to use. Are you ready for all of them, all at the same time?

For me, the answer is no. I use one at a time until I am really good at using that one, then I try another one to use and see if that one feels good.

We are all making it up, so might as well use the new ones and see if they fit better.

Ascension will bring you face to face with your fears. For me I had to decide if I was ready to face the fear this time around, or not.

It seems ascension shakes up the fear places first LOL.

I am learning about forgiveness right now. In fact I am going to be doing some more forgiveness exercises today. Those things that push my buttons that I haven't learned how to ignore but dive right in to re-action. If I do the re-action, I am getting better at not staying in the reactive place too long - maybe a few minutes or a half an hour, rather than days and days. So to me, that is a huge plus. I am getting better at staying in my own space.

Now with forgiveness, I am de-activating the buttons that are being pushed.

My daughters guide once told a group of people who had assembled at one of her channeling sessions when asked a question about this, if you look at it like you are a huge set of red buttons, like a button board spread before you and each button is lit. Your job is to de-activate those buttons. however long it takes, so that the next time someone pushes that particular button, it doesn't light up anymore and as you do this and the buttons board become less and less red, you are aware of those that need some work.

I think maybe the concept of Karma comes into play (and I have never been a believer in Karma before a few weeks ago, so this is new to me) but if I have done someone wrong in my life, and I don't attempt to deal with it this time around, by asking for forgiveness and forgiving myself, then I might have to live this life again and do the whole thing over again with the same people, so we can all get this right. Darn, I want to learn enough in this life to de-activate all those buttons, forgive all these people I may have harmed (inadvertantly or vertantly LOL) and move on from the Karma of the past and try not to create any more in this lifetime!

So fear and karma are getting shaken up.

I am a recent student of Dolores Cannon. She is really ringing all my bells. And Vishen Lakhiani. He has a forgiveness exercise that feels incredible when I do that one.

Ascension, to me, is an inside job. Do you want to stay in your old patterns and habits of thought, or do you want new ones to play with?

And energy, with a Capital E. Wow. Feeling the new energies around me is awesome and amazing - this being said from someone who had never felt energy until about 2009.
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