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Old 16-10-2019, 08:29 PM
Sunshine111 Sunshine111 is offline
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Book1 Empathy and Soul Development

Originally Posted by davidsun
Great, very balancing article!

Jesus' (among others') teachings are often narrowly interpreted to mean that one 'should' always 'sacrifice' one's self in service of others pr Life-at-Large. Here's a passage from my treatise, which focuses on issues pertaining to soul development, in which I (also) attempt to present a balanced perspective in this regard:
Such kind of psychospiritual development results in one’s acting to salutarily enhance the creative functionality of whoever or whatever one may singularly or plurally be relationally involved with, which of course means doing whatever one can to help as well as assistively support others who help to protect those that are vulnerable, heal those that are sick or injured, nurture those who are immature and educate those who are unaware of the nature and extent of their connection to and with others in context of Life’s Matrixial Flow. There may therefore indeed be times and circumstances when and where desisting from seeking as well as foregoing available pleasures, comforts, gains, etc. and risking as well as voluntarily accepting consequent stresses, pains, losses, etc., even to the point of incurring significant physiosocial liabilities, is what one thinks and feels is the most Love and Joy augmenting choice one can make, and therefore elects to do with such goals in mind and heart. What devoted parents, friends, teachers, care-providers and public servants of all kinds often do as a matter of course provides exemplary illustration in this regard.*

[Footnote*: Not that one has the power to do everything one might wish to along such lines, mind you: “It is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.” (II*Corinthians 8:12) Making the most of what one is capable of at any given point is the best anyone can aim for.]

That being said, in the interests of promoting a more nuanced understanding and interpretation of Jesus’ curt (to the point of possibly being misunderstood) “Whosoever will lose his life for my (i.e.*for capital ‘L’ Life’s) sake shall find it” statement, let me also point out that it doesn’t really make sense for a nodal soul to only be devoted to the welfare of others. Why? Because one’s worldly being – any being, really! – requires a degree of self‑sustenance if it is to continue to function and pragmatically serve in a co‑creative capacity in any given context. The ‘best’ one can generally do in the context of The Flow of Life, therefore, is to aim to ‘enrich’ the Love and Joy processes and potentials of others by first optimally utilizing whatever opportunities may be available to operationally develop one’s self in ways which lead to one’s becoming and being more able to ‘give back’ and then ‘giving back’, the intent in said regard being to become and thereby be as Love and Joy augmenting as possible, with an eye towards maximally facilitating others’ psychospiritual development and consequently increasing the scope and improving the quality of Life’s Love and Joy Flow (one’s own soul-‘flow’ included) over the course of time, hopefully more than creatively compensating for what one ‘receives’ or ‘takes’ for one’s self (again, over the course of time) in the process.

Hi David,

Thank you for your views expressed in your article related to empathy and soul development.

It begins by expressing my belief that the ultimate expression and higher form that empathy expresses in a human is self-sacrifice.

Unfortunately, we live in a world and it may have been the case that, not only certain people is selfish , egoistic and can think nothing but themselves as the member Thatman in his post said but, they want the cake whole and to eat it as well.

Even in the case that another eats a piece of the cake, this will not be whole as it is wanted to be, right?.

Self sacrifice it is my belief that another vast subject that has so many elements to it but, I will just restrict myself in commenting in what you said.

2. In order for others or another to support others who do the good you described, another in my opinion, should be selfless, not egoistic and to be sharing the same beliefs , values and principles.

In a difficult time or situation, the reality for me is that, 90% will simply jump off ship and try to save their own *ss or even much worse say and think, "this is not my problem, this is his or her problem; it does not concern me but, them. It has nothing to do with me" or even much much worse say, "let me play my role and serve my own selfish interests".

A chain is being broken in this way, a chain of a sense and feeling of humanity and at the same time , the law of nature.

For, based on this law, what makes us humans and what humane?.

Is it not to lay a hand to another who needs this and how can this be achieved without any empathy not just for our fellow human beings but, our own person when we need this as well.

3. And the reason why and aim of this empathy towards one person when this is necessary is as you said(copy and paste below from your article for those who may understand or wish or want to understand).

"The ‘best’ one can generally do in the context of The Flow of Life, therefore, is to aim to ‘enrich’ the Love and Joy processes and potentials of others by first optimally utilizing whatever opportunities may be available to operationally develop one’s self in ways which lead to one’s becoming and being more able to ‘give back’ and then ‘giving back’, the intent in said regard being to become and thereby be as Love and Joy augmenting as possible".

4. "The flow of life" as you called it that is "Love and Joy" in the offering on the behalf of an Empath for, for certain empaths as the member "Thatman" shared , "there is no greatest pain than not being to help"=not being another person's suffering or pain.

And here comes what the member Molearner shared that Compassion is and how EMPATHY turns to COMPASSION.

To take action on the feelings of empathy, to act upon them and do something.

For, what is the point of just Feeling Empathy or Feel the Pain of another?.

Just to feel and to feel for ourselves and ourselves ONLY and to feel good about ourselves for being human and have the ability to feel and understand?.

5. I will close this message by commentimg on the following words from your article,

"let me also point out that it doesn’t really make sense for a nodal soul to only be devoted to the welfare of others. Why? Because one’s worldly being – any being, really! – requires a degree of self‑sustenance if it is to continue to function and pragmatically serve in a co‑creative capacity in any given context".

6. We have to recharge our batteries , renew our energies, declutter so, "The Flow of Life" that is "Love and Joy" and this "flow of life" to continue.

Therefore, Self Love and Care is important to "Love and Joy" as part of "The flow of life".

Once again, thank you for sharing your views. All the best.
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