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Old 25-06-2012, 11:18 AM
she who plays
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Buzz
I am not on the same page with a lot of the postings on this thread. My own inquiry has led me to embrace both M and F in order to know the other. It is not M that has been steering the planet to doom, it is the fascination with a mind based way of being. Niether M or F are to be negated from in a true search for balance and wholeness. At the same time both M and F have nought to do with gender in the context of what we are talking about.

There's nothing inherently bad about the conscious mind's restraining and limiting mechanism. It's nature is to go towards structure and form. Society has benefited from that, but also suffered because it's gone too far in that direction.
The Virgin became pious and obsessive about rule-making. He shunned the love of the Mother.
When the Virgin becomes too full of itself, in any situation, the Harlot wreaks havok and chaos to bring balance to the situation. This is what is happening now with revivals of the old religions and spiritual ways. The importance of the subconscious mind is returning.

Male/Female can be merely a biological distinction based on genitalia. Beyond that are meta-physical ideas of masculine/feminine that have helped the organisms survive together through evolution. Personally I am not really talking here about body or genitalia. I'm discussing 'what are the associations with feminine/masculine'. The conscious, rule-making, planning, rational mind has been associated with Males because perhaps it is natural tendency, not because Females can't, or Males can't access subconscious being (Feminine association). It's just been as such through evolution.

One needs to capture the associations of gender and bend them to their will, because the reality is that what they are being associated with is our birth right and cannot be taken away from us through a silly role-playing game.
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