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Old 02-04-2007, 12:20 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by RalphGM
There are many things that cannot be demonstrated using the scientific method, but they are part of our reality. Things like the aspects of God (love, intelligence, happiness, etc.) cannot be studied nor defined because they don't belong to the third dimension, thus, science, which is based on the five physical senses cannot reach there.


Actually, Scientific studies have been done and do define some of these "aspects" by using methods such as IQ tests. Also, examining and tracking the various chemicals & hormones released within the human body which can create feelings of happiness (endorphines) etc. All of it linked to the brain and it's function.

If you mean that science, up to now, is unable to verify precisely the full functioning of the brain, the mind, then yeah, they haven't discovered what certain parts of the brain, the mind, are used for. Science has yet to define the "thought process" that's for sure.

I do remain positive that science will prevail, and unlock the wisdom. Hey, if that happens, there probably wouldn't be any beliefs, they could prove to be fact (or found to be fiction), who knows aye.