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Old 24-04-2014, 08:59 AM
Avadar Avadar is offline
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Virginia
Posts: 394
Standards of Good & Evil Not Dictated By Corporeal Life

Long before there were any religious institutions in existence, people had a sense of what good and evil was from accounts of near-death experiences and from mediums who relayed messages from Spirit. The core understanding of good and evil is not to be found among institutions, philosophers and theologians. The core understanding of good and evil stems from and is dictated by a higher power on the Other Side that is often referred to as The Light, The Light of God, and The Breath of God. All the other philosophical musings about morality, good and evil, are all superfluous.

The Light is the cosmic principle that represents the only way that something from emerge from nothing in linear time. Without The Light there can be no planets, stars, souls, or an Original Creator to use it to orchestrate a Big Bang. Without The Light nothing can exist.

Quoted from near-death experience research conclusions:

The choices we make in life matters deeply.

Life is a golden opportunity to live a spiritual life in a world of darkness.

Life is very important because how we have lived our life largely determines how far we can go into the light.


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