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Old 24-04-2014, 02:12 AM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by WhiteWarrior
...why not give you the scary examples? Afraid to see evil? ;)

Seriously? Yes, there is good and there is bad. The good help others in their need without making it a trade, while the bad use and abuse others for their own gain and pleasure. Most people be they spirit or living are in the middle, doing neither much good nor much harm and mainly focusing on themselves. Giving a few dollars to some humanitarian cause makes you no more Good than driving slightly over the speed limit on the road makes you Bad. As for evil.... that one is slightly trickier. Here is where I could make many examples, from the stuff that occurs so often that the newspapers don't bother with more than a paragraph to mention it, to the stories that go around the world. And in my opinion the 'small crimes' can be just as evil as the ones with enough originality to be remembered. It comes down to one thing. Is the crime done with the clear intention of causing harm and pain and fear? Then it is evil. Robbing a bank or even breaking into a house where the owners are on holiday, is not evil even though employees must be let go or irreplaceable heirlooms are gone forever. When the bank robbery includes 'making' someone give up the code to the vault or the house robbery includes having 'fun' with the people who are there that night, you have evil.

Why we have evil.... to make a a quote; Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Heart Of Man? I can't see that evil is found more often in rich than in poor, leftists or rightists or by other scales. I have found that some cultures and countries seem to be very very very forgiving of crimes I call evil, as long as it only happens to women or foreigners or differently faithed or people without connections in the bureaucracy. If I made examples I would promptly be banned from this forum regardless of what public material I backed my claims up with, so I wont. I will merely say that the weaker the law, the weaker the public outrage, the more crime and evil you get. I think a vast number of the neutral and of course the bad people are capable of many crimes, if an opportunity for it comes their way and they can make the flimsiest excuse for if they are caught. Much fewer will find joy in giving others pain, and yet there seem to be millions and millions of such people in the world.

I have met a number of bad aka negative spirits, through sessions with channelers and others with some mediumistic talents. They were usually hanging around to take energy from the medium, some times effectively blocking away the guides. White energy from Above, used to banish all negative beings, dealt with most of them. I do not think I was the one who defined them as bad.

I do not know why there is evil in the world, but then I also do not understand why there is pain and fear and greed. Frankly if this world was a purchase I would ask for my money back.

For the most part I agree with this. Excellent post.
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