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Old 17-01-2018, 10:55 PM
Reecie Reecie is offline
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Posts: 24
Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Reecie, what a great question!
And for what it's worth: Yes, who do you talk to?...they are all out there!! Haha...
and hey, don't forget your deceased favorite Aunt!
I'm not kidding.
They all can infuse you with clear understanding about a given troubling situation...I have exp'd it directly!
And wow, what a help. (I used the word 'infused' before I read Doreen Virtue say the exact same thing...that was neat..)

All responses above are great, btw.

I can only speak for me, ya know, and it works!
I Practice the Presence.
Each morning and throughout the day I expand my
mind or focus my attention on the All That Is (God, Holy Spirit, the One Consciousness...whatever one calls 'It'....
Universal Intelligence, Source...that is within everything.)

I have developed a relationship with the Invisible...yup, that's right, sounds weird to the worldly mind. I know.
Probably not you, lol. Good! :)

This is my point....ask whomever you'd like ...but, why?
It is like asking a sales clerk if she can lower the price...why bother...
just ask, "May I talk to the manager for a minute?"

I only direct my thoughts towards God, (by whatever name for you).
Now, if That Spirit wants to
It is my Creator Father I have the relationship with...
I'm not going to ask my mom to ask dad if I can borrow the car tonight...
I go right to Dad, in other words.

Lemme tellya, so far so good. But, all is ok. Higher Self is fine.
We all do what we relate to the best.

And always thank whomever you have asked... ;)
I completely agree we should develop a relationship with the invisible because what we don't see is real. What we think we see is not.

You make an excellent point about going straight to Source (i.e. God), and like you've said--and I've read it many times--Spirit is happy whenever we recognize them. Regardless of what we call them. Assigning names is more for us than them. And since we're all one, we really can't get it wrong.

Thanks so much for responding!
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