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Old 23-05-2019, 06:31 PM
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by iamthat

Steve Richards, in his book on levitation, refers to Mikhail Drogzenovich, a farmer from the Bulgarian village of Stara Zagora who could supposedly levitate - lift himself off the ground without any visible means of support.

Before "scientific witnesses," the farmer closed his eyes and sat down in a field. After intense concentration, he apparently slowly began to rise in the air until he was about four feet above the ground. He sat in the air some ten minutes while witnesses checked that there was no rope, equipment, or mechanical devices connected to the hovering Drogzenovich. Then the farmer slowly settled back to earth.

"Once I'm in the air," he was quoted as saying, "I'm unable to change my position. I get there by willpower."


Interesting story. Any idea of what is meant by "scientific" witnesses, as opposed to other kinds of witnesses?
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